Meet Vignesh Shankar

One of the most exciting things about being a startup is building our team - drawing together our inner circle to help us realize our vision and grow our company and culture. Over the next while, we will be introducing you to more of our team at Ground Truth Ag, continuing with our Machine Learning Engineer, Vignesh Shankar.

Meet Vignesh

Over the next while, we will be introducing you to more of our team at Ground Truth Ag, continuing with our Machine Learning Engineer, Vignesh Shankar.

Meet Vignesh

“It seems like everyone is trying to come up with machine learning solutions to problems – and I thought the work Ground Truth Ag is doing is both relevant and specific to the machine learning domain. The problem we are solving is very doable,” Vignesh explains about what drew him to come work for Ground Truth Ag. “Working here gives me the opportunity to take a problem, implement solutions and prove that I can help take a product from the inception stage through to development.”

“At Ground Truth Ag, nothing is laid out. It’s a start up, so everything changes very rapidly, and you have to be adaptable and excited to take on challenging problem solving,” Vignesh says about what he likes best about the work he is doing. “Our team is very diverse, inclusive and deeply interested in the work. Everyone has a different discipline – chemistry, mechanical, electrical, software – you get to learn a lot from everyone and see how they problem solve and implement solutions. Everyone contributes what they have. It’s pretty fun working with the whole team.”

Every day I wake up in the morning already thinking about the problems I need to solve to make this product come alive within the next four or five months. Some of the problems are complicated - and that’s what I like working on every day. It’s not the same thing and, as a team, we get to be creative in our work. It’s a fast-paced environment where I get to implement research methodologies – and that’s exciting.”

When not at work, Vignesh enjoys playing games like badminton and billiards. “Depending on the weather, I also like going hiking and exploring new places. I really like adventure activities – depending on what facilities are nearby - and it doesn’t matter how crazy it may be, I’ll be there!”

When asked about one thing people may be surprised to learn about him, Vignesh mentions his interest in and knowledge of different cultures.

“People are often surprised when I start chatting about their culture, food, and traditions. I’ve always been fascinated by how people live in different parts of the world, so I’ve made it a point to learn about it. When I bring up these topics in conversation, folks are usually taken aback by how much I know and how genuinely interested I am in their way of life.”


Part One - Interview Ground Truth Ag founder Kyle Folk


Fifth generation farmer field tests Ground Truth Ag’s on-combine prototype