Meet Fahad Shah

Over the next while, we will be introducing you to more of our team at Ground Truth Ag, continuing with our Electronic Systems Engineer, Fahad Shah.

Meet Fahad

“Getting the opportunity to work for a start-up company is very exciting to me,” Fahad explains about what interested him in coming to work at Ground Truth Ag. “I’ve mostly had experiences with established companies. Working in a start-up, I feel like I can grow more. At Ground Truth Ag, I can explore all three paradigms at the same time – mechanical and electrical engineering and computer science- and I can use my understanding and prior experiences to drive things.”

The work the team is doing is cutting-edge. “This is a very new concept that me and my colleagues are bringing to market, and being part of that really interests me,” Fahad shares. “We are working on the complete design of a product. We are taking it from the design to prototype phases, to launch and production mode – it’s exciting to have it pass through all of our hands and that we can say we were all part of that.”

When asked about what excites him most about his work, Fahad mentions a combination of the responsibility everyone on the team feels along with their ability to be innovative. “The sense of responsibility I feel here gives me satisfaction. We respect each other's opinions, and if I pitch an idea or an approach to the team, we cooperate on it. Everyone is understanding and caring on this team – as well as energetic – and management supports us. This freedom, both as a person and as an engineer, gives me a very good feeling.”

When Fahad is not at work, his time is spent focused on his family. “I spend most of my time with my family. I have an eight-year-old son and that is such a funny age. He’s able to share his thoughts with me and is getting more and more mature. We’re seeing a big change in his personality. I try and remember what I was like and what I was doing at his age – and it’s a big comparison considering the changes to technology and growing up in different countries with different conditions and traditions.”

When asked about what might surprise people to know about him, Fahad mentions his approach to understanding others. “I feel like people may be surprised by my analytical thinking. I always think about the plus or minus of any steps I take. I don’t want to push anything directly onto another person – I want to understand them, their personality and their thoughts to find agreement with them.”


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