Meet Bhumit

One of the most exciting things about being a startup is building our team - drawing together our inner circle to help us realize our vision and grow our company and culture. Over the next while, we will be introducing you to more of our team at Ground Truth Ag, continuing with our Mobile Application Developer, Bhumit Patel. 

Meet Bhumit

“I was new to Canada as a permanent resident and Kyle gave me an opportunity to come and work as part of his team,” Bhumit explains about what drew him to Ground Truth Agriculture. “It was a good fit for both me and for the company as I have about 10 years of experience as a mobile application developer – so I get to apply all of that knowledge in my work.” 

Prior to joining Ground Truth Ag, Bhumit worked in the e-health sector, developing electronic health record mobile applications to support medical professionals in maintaining accurate and protected records for their patients. 

“I have a strong interest in mobile applications and their innovative capabilities,” Bhumit says. “My journey since completing my master’s degree has led me to work in different sectors. While the agriculture sector is new for me from a development perspective, it’s also very meaningful because my grandfather was a farmer. I want to give something of myself to farmers and contribute.”

When asked about what he enjoys most about working at Ground Truth Ag, Bhumit’s excitement for his job is very apparent. 

“I enjoy my role as a mobile application developer – it’s not just a job, it’s my passion. I love to work with different user interface modules and screen designs. As you know, there are different types of mobile screens available for both Android and iOS. I love to work with different screen sizes and solve challenges with that on the user interface side such as using responsive icons and designs.”

When not at work, Bhumit spends his time with his family. “I love to spend time with my son – he’s three years old. And whenever I get time, I play cricket. There is a group of about six or eight of us who meet up at a park nearby my apartment to play on evenings or weekends.” 


Revolutionizing Grain Grading with AI: Ground Truth Ag Featured on CTV


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