Meet Avelino (Jojo) Pagador, Jr.

Over the next while, we will be introducing you to more of our team at Ground Truth Ag, continuing with our Full Stack Developer Avelino Pagador, Jr. - better known as Jojo.

Meet Avelino (Jojo) Pagador, Jr.

One of the most exciting things about being a startup is building our team - drawing together our inner circle to help us realize our vision and grow our company and culture. Over the next while, we will be introducing you to more of our team at Ground Truth Ag, continuing with our Full Stack Developer Avelino Pagador, Jr. - better known as Jojo.

Meet Jojo

“My wife told me to go to the interview to be polite,” Jojo laughs. When he and his family came to Regina last August, he already had a work-from-home job offer from a company with offices out of Toronto.“ After the interview, I decided to go with Ground Truth instead.”

What appealed to him at first was the opportunity for in-person collaboration again. “I had a work from home setting while in the Philippines where I worked with people in three different time zones. You couldn’t really tell when work started or ended.”

The opportunity to develop new technology for a start-up company with a small team has been exciting. “I worked for the largest bank in the Philippines,” Jojo recalls. “This has really changed my perspective. The opportunity for the technology is there and I’m learning new things again, which I find really, really good.”

“I love developing. I love coding. That’s where my skill is, and it’s what I’m good at.The challenge with coding is when you get stuck into a specific language – your world revolves around it,” Jojo explains. “At Ground Truth, I get to work with different languages – Python and Flutter. And it’s not only software we are developing – we are also doing hardware.”

As the full stack developer, Jojo is responsible for developing both the front-end of the application that users will interact with and all the applications operating in the background that do the work. He then has to glue them seamlessly together so they work well for the user.

He also gets to work on all aspects of the project. “I’m a go-between – because all of the different components of the project go through the software.”

When not at work, Jojo loves spending time with his family. “Mostly I play with the kids! My boy is seven and my little girl is five. As a family, we also love driving around Regina.”

To relax, Jojo loves Lego. “It’s my go-to whenever I feel stressed,” Jojo exclaims. “With lego, it’s open for your imagination. You start small and do bigger things – you can make a system and that’s the same as software.”


Know more samples: On sampling and subjectivity


Meet Nastaran